The Mechanic
This is a collection of things I do with passion.
Landy like around the world
Traveling around the world with my old 1967 Land Rover Series II
My Bike takes me to places I never expected to go to.
Professional Mountainbike model and content marketing specialist
Moving pictures bring my stories more closely.
Interior, Graphic and Product Design
I am a passionate Mountainbiker and I am fortunate to be working with several companies in the content marketing sector that share the same vision for the sport that I do. I love creating in my workshop; tinkering on old cars, motorbikes and even making sure that my bikes are all in great shape...this is what makes me happy. I travel around the world as part of my job, bringing back with me fantastic tales of this adventures through photos and videos.
When I was younger I spent more of my evenings working on old cars than in discotheques and by day I'd be out in the fresh air. I took carpentry as my profession, which led to Interior Design and here I discovered my fascination with graphic design. If you are passionate about the things that you do in life, then you'll find success in those pursuits.
In my search for constant adventure, I travel a lot in my old cars, mostly with the Land Rover. And if I am in the Landy, then I don't have to look for adventure, the adventure finds's always exciting when and how I arrive. Plus there is never a shortage of things to repair in the workshop when I return from my travels.